The Jiu-Jitsu Cheat Code to Win Any Fight

The Jiu-Jitsu Cheat Code to Win Any Fight

Learn the ultimate cheat code to win every ground fight.

August 23, 2024
5-minute read

The Jiu-Jitsu Cheat Code to Win Any Fight

In a civilian self defence setting ground defence is almost integral, most fights you see either first hand or online end up on the floor.

One of the main reasons for this is most people, especially nowadays, don't have the stamina to keep a stand up fight going for longer than a minute.


Next time you see a fight on Instagram or X, time it and see how long it takes before they go to the floor.

They both get tired and will grab each other for a rest.

But as you know if you've trained Jiu-Jitsu before, ground work is actually a lot more exhausting than just punching each other in the face.

So these fights very quickly become a heavy breathing hugging competition until someone else comes in and breaks it up with no clear winner.

 We like to win.

And one of the best, most effective and almost merciful ways to end a fight is to take someone down and choke them out.

This will also give you time to either restrain this person until the police turn up or to get yourself out of there before they wake up, not knowing what just happened.

This is why we train Jiu-Jitsu.

Now, there's a reason Jiu-Jitsu is known as “the chess game”, it's incredibly intricate and requires a long period of study to master just the basics, never mind all the counters and combinations.

If you're a master of the game you will destroy most beginners and amateurs in 3 or 4 moves just like chess.

But this is also the case if I teach you the basics of chess for let's say 1 hour so you know what all the pieces do and where they can move.

You should find it much easier to best someone who hasn't even seen chess played before.

This is 95% of the population.

But when a grand master or someone who's been playing for years comes along you're gonna get smoked…

This is where Krav Maga comes in.

The Krav Maga ethos is the cheat code.

Chess has strict rules, it's only possible to win if you follow the rules to a T and grand masters have spent years training and only seeing moves within that given move set.

But If you move your pieces outside of the rules you will even the game, and they won't be able to predict your next move.

Horrible techniques banned in sport such as biting eye gouging and even pinches when used against professional opponents will give you the upper hand or a split second to take the initiative.

In the real world there are no rules, and anything that you can use to win the fight should be used to the maximum required effect.

Go as far as you need to, to win and go home safe that's what we teach and nothing less should be expected when talking about self defence.

We train both within the rules and outside of the rules.

So if we find ourselves losing when using the rules we know how to cheat to win.

Most of these moves we will teach you come from old Japanese Ju-Jitsu, when it was used by samurai warriors to fight and win on the battlefield.

Forgotten by most, almost intentionally, being described as too harmful or not applicable in today's society.

Moves like these are the foundations Krav Maga was built on.

These are the cheat codes we can teach you.

Your safety comes above all else when defending yourself.

If you want to learn how to beat grand masters as a beginner, sign up for a free session below and I’ll see you in class.

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