L Stands for Lesson

L Stands for Lesson

Learn to take full accountability of all your failures.

September 12, 2024
5-minute read

L Stands for Lesson

All lessons in life come from losses, as long as you're willing to learn from the mistakes you made that lead to the loss.

Every loss you have experienced is your fault.

In some way shape or form your attitude or lack of preparation is what caused you to fail.

It's your responsibility to identify these mistakes and learn from them, so the next time you face the same issue, task or challenge you don't fail and can move forward.

In Krav Maga and especially Jiu Jitsu, getting beat up and losing a fight or sparring match is the perfect lesson.

The lessons you need to learn will be glaringly obvious.

If you want a shortcut for learning martial arts, come to every lesson, get beat up and turn up for the next one all while self reflecting and going into the next lesson even more prepared.

If you don't take accountability for your losses because of your “ego” you are doomed for mediocrity and failure.

In the same way everyone finds an excuse on how it was someone else's fault, you can identify a way in which it was your fault.

And guess which ones is easier to do.

Even if you get your phone robbed on the train it's YOUR FAULT.

You should have been looking, you could have been more aware of your surroundings.

If you get attacked by 5 thugs and get beat up you should have trained more.

You could have run away if you actually trained running…

You could have fought them off if you turned up for class every lesson and went to the gym 5 times per week.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Start training, stop losing.

Talk soon,


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