

Are knives more dangerous than guns?

October 7, 2024
5-minute read


Everyone has heard the saying “Don't bring a knife to a gunfight” this saying is very true, our empire educated most of the world on this fact.

Guns have been the most effective and dominant weapon on earth for the last few hundred years, and most people will agree that you can run away from someone with a knife but it's a-lot harder to run away from pieces of metal that travel faster than the speed of sound.

But in reality if someone is threatening you with a gun this is less dangerous than with a knife.

Keyword “threatening”.

If someone wants to take you out with a gun they can do it from miles away obviously.

But when someone wants to threaten you with a gun it's normally done much closer, in your face most of the time.

Now a clear distinction needs to be made between how guns and knives work as weapons.

A knife, sword or any bladed weapon could be discarded and buried for THOUSANDS of YEARS and still remain an effective weapon. 

It's just a sharp piece of metal, it might even become more effective as it rusts making it more dangerous.

Whereas all guns (maybe not the Russian ones 😆) are intricate pieces of machinery, with various moving parts that all need to be maintained and clear of rust, dirt and blockages in order to work.

If you have been taught any gun defence in our class before you know that most gun disarms involve stopping the gun from working by blocking a key function eg, interrupting the slide on a pistol.

If a gun jams, runs out of ammo or is not maintained it just becomes a lump of metal.

More like a club.

Humans used to use clubs but then we invented knives, much more effective.

If you do it right the threat of a gun can be eliminated pretty quickly evening out the fight.

Most criminals that use guns are normally pretty weak and feel strong because they have a gun, take it away and they will crumble.

Whereas a knife is very dangerous to try and take off someone.

Even if your the one using a knife it's dangerous to you, even just cutting up some cheese you could cut yourself…

So if you and someone else start fighting over control of a knife it's very dangerous for both of you and probably won't end well for someone.

You need to be very cautious when taking any weapon off of anyone but especially knives and other bladed weapons.

Knives are becoming the most common threat you may face, knife crime is rising across the country.

It's the ultimate coward's choice and unfortunately we have a whole generation of cowards out there threatening the most vulnerable and normal people on the street.

We are helping people understand and mitigate the risk of knives when forced to defend themselves.

The first defence against a knife is to run away and if that's not possible give into their demands, your life is worth more than your phone or watch.

But if they are asking for something more than you are willing to give or aren't threatening you and just attacking you…

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