Easy to do plan to improve your martial arts fitness.
When training do you find yourself struggling after just a few minutes on the pads or sparring?
You might be an absolute gym god with muscles from brussels, but if your cardio sucks you're gonna struggle keeping up in a fight.
So here's a few tips on how to improve your cardio and keep fighting fit.
Heart Rate Running
Yes I said the dreaded word…
But as much as we all want to avoid it, it's crucial to develop your cardio engine helping you stay in the fight for longer.
And most of you guys probably don't run regularly so here's a method that helped me ease into running.
Running at different heart rate zones.
We all have different heart rate zones depending on age and fitness, so first we will have to identify these.
To calculate your heart rate bands based on age and fitness, follow these steps:
These zones help tailor your workout intensity to your fitness goals.
To do this easily open up your calculator and type in 220 x your age = your maximum heart rate.
Then take this number and if you want to find zone two the bottom threshold would be your maximum heart rate times 0.6 and the top threshold would be your MHR times 0.7.
When doing zone 2 runs for example aim to stay within these two thresholds.
Here’s a simple weekly running plan to build endurance, incorporating Zone 2 and Zone 3 runs. Running once or twice a week will allow recovery while gradually improving your stamina.
This plan balances endurance-building with moderate intensity work to gradually enhance your stamina without overtraining.
I guarantee if you incorporate this into your training you will start to see the benefit in class when we do things like sparring, padwork and jiu jitsu.
We all only have one body and need to rely on it to get us out of bad situations.
Train hard, fight easy.
If you have any more questions about training just ask in class and I’ll be happy to help.
We even have a small fitness group that runs at 10am just before the adults class on Sundays just in case you would like to train with others.
Talk soon,
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